Title: “Art – A Different Place, a Different Time – Literally”
You are invited to the opening of a special exhibition with lots of paintings, sculptures and photographs by many artists…
Chris Diedericks, Anton Karstel, Cobus van Bosch, Henk Serfontein,
Zolile Phetshane, Carlo Gibson, Bevan Thornton, Mathew Brittan, Rosemarie Marriott, Nel Erasmus, Pascual Tarazona, Fleur de Bondt, Richard Forbes, Colijn Strydom, Rhett Martyn, Olaf Bisschoff, Robert Hamblin, Richard Strydom, Tanisha Bhana and more.
Time: Wednesday 12 March 2012 between 18h00 and 21h00
Location: Roodt Incorporated Attorneys, 7 Eton Road, Sandhurst
Duration:Viewing during office hours or by appointment until Thursday 10 April 2014.